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Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Mummy and the Mixing Bowl

Last Saturday I visited the mummy exhibit in Mobile, Al. This was a 3000 year old dead (obviously) Egyptian Priest preserved literally, since time began. But the sad thing about this guy, when he died and was being preserved, the technician placed the body's eternal noggin on a bowl of "glue." The workers forgot about it and went home for the night.

Returning the next day, Pharaoh's three stooges discovered in horror the glue bowl had stuck to the cold one's head. Try as they might, they could not budge the sticky vessel from the mummy's skull. Rather than confess the bumble,risking execution, they wrapped him, bowl adhered head and all. "Know one would ever know."

Fast forward 3000 years: Crowds of Mobilians laugh at this poor guy daily while on exhibit

I don't believe in the Egyptian's view of the afterlife but if real, the mummy is looking down at the millions who over the centuries have ridiculed him and his Tupperware hat. The good news is, you can take it with you. The bad news is, it's a mixing bowl, attached to the head.


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