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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Day Lights Savings Time

I have never heard a compelling reason why we observe daylights savings time.

You know the ritual. Today we turn our clocks forward one hour. In October, they go back an hour. Why?

Do you know anyone adversely affected by daylights savings time? Will it make a difference in your job? Promote world peace? Stop global warming? Think about it, our time system was designed by early man based on the movements of the solar system around the sun. Regardless of how we set our watches, those planets still rotate to the exact second just as they've done since time began. If unaltered time is good enough for venus, it should be good enough for us.

Like most of us the only effect today's time change has on me is I that I woke up an hour late, forced to eat instant oatmeal because no time for regular oatmeal and missed the 6 Am news because it's 7 am.

Sorry if I sound grumpy. I lost an hour's sleep.


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