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Friday, October 27, 2006

Of Pigs and Men

I've been thinking a lot about pigs.

It started with this week's visit to Mobile's Greater Gulf State Fair and the obligatory walk through of the livestock tent. For city folks like me, this is a rare swine close encounter. And there she was:

In all her hog glory, standing in the display stall, here was a sow of distinction. She had won the blue ribbon, "Best in Show." As big as a Voltswagon, this was pride in pork. Other pig contenders were led away after losing the contest. By now they are the other white meat.

But this pig didn't care. Weighing an estimated 800 pounds she ate, ate and ate, oblivious to the surrounding world. Nearby animals beheld her in sympathy. One chicken said to the other, "there but by good fortune go you and I."

So if you are a large sow, enter a pig beauty pagent, and do not win, where do you go from there? It tells the world you are not even a good pig.

Another thing, What's the first thing a doctor tells patients with high blood pressure? Lay off pork. Why then do pigs not have high blood pressure?

Finally, did you hear about the pig that killed itself? It was ruled suey side.

I've been thinking alot about pigs. Perhaps too much. But frankly my dear, I don't give a ham.


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